Sunday, November 15, 2015

2006 Christmas Letter

Dear Friends and Family,                                                                                              December 2006

Happy Holidays!  We hope this holiday season finds you happy and well.  We love you all so much and are excited to share some highlights of our past year with you.

Paul has been working on finishing his Master’s Degree in Computer Science this semester at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.  It’s been a rough but very educational experience being in the program, and Paul is excited to graduate this December.  Adding to the excitement of graduation is the promise of a job in Walnut Creek, California that he’s really looking forward to.  It will be rewarding to be able to put his education to use in a stimulating and challenging work environment, then be able to come home and enjoy his family (instead of his homework or research) in the evenings and weekends.  We are all looking forward to this change.

Christine has kept herself busy this year with various activities, including: a book club, a mother-child music class, weekly playgroup, preschool with Rebekah, and working her Mary Kay business.  It will be hard to leave all of the amazing friends we’ve made and all of the wonderful support of the moms, but we’re sure that, as we keep reassuring Rebekah, we will not be “losing” our friends in Champaign, only making more out in California.

Rebekah, now 3 ½, is our little princess.  She loves to play dress up and frequently can be heard before seen as she clip clops in her plastic princess heels around the house.  She often reprimands what she deems inappropriate behavior by saying “That’s not how princesses act!”  She is also the princess in our playgroup.  It worries her parents that at age three she has already mastered the art of persuading all the little boys to do her bidding and they all fight over who gets to sit next to her.  She is quite the social butterfly and the first question of the day usually is, “Who I play with today, Mommy?”  She has perfect faith, and in her evening prayers, she likes to insert things like “and thank you I get to play with Ryan tomorrow, I love Ryan and he’s my friend and I love to play with him.” Inevitably, some turn of events will end with her playing at Ryan’s house the next day, whether or not it was originally planned.  She is a joy in our home and constantly keeps us on our toes with her quick thinking and love of teasing.

Peter will be 18 months on Dec. 8th (nursery here we come!).  One of his recent games is to stand in a particular corner of our house and wait for someone to say, “Ready, set, GO!”, then he dashes off around the house and ends at the same spot, waiting patiently for the next race.  Sometimes, he gets impatient and shouts “Go!” himself.  Peter also loves to show off by climbing on things (chairs, the small seat of his bike, etc.), balancing himself and standing, no hands, then smiling at us with a mischievous twinkle in his eye and announcing “Ta Da!” ... this gives me no end of worry, but I can’t help but laugh at his bravado.  He also loves to push buttons and drives his sister crazy by constantly changing the channel or turning off the TV, pushing the power button on the computer or reprogramming the telephone.  Once, when the telephone/answering machine was within reach, I observed him pushing a button that replied “No messages”, Peter continued pushing the button faster and faster until it just kept repeating “No, No, No, No …, No!”  This seemed to delight Peter to no end, much to my dismay.

Paul and I were able to celebrate our 5th anniversary this August with a trip with no kids (I highly recommend this!) to Seattle (where we had gone for our honeymoon).  It’s crazy to think that five years have already passed.  We have been so blessed and although we have had trials that seemed overwhelming at the time, looking back, we are so grateful for our experiences and for our beautiful children, supportive families and amazing friends.  Thank you all so much for loving us and being a part of our lives!


Paul, Christine (Wilcox), Rebekah (3 yrs.), and Peter (1 yr.) Winward

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