Sunday, November 15, 2015

2009 Christmas Letter

Paul & Christine Winward Family Letter 2009
The Best, the Worst, and the Most Unusual

Biggest change this year:

  • In June we had to move with only 30 days notice when our landlady decided to allow the townhouse we had been renting go into foreclosure (so take note of our new address!)

Most precious moments:

  • Carol Lynn giving “kisses” not with her lips but by gently (and sometimes not so gently) patting your cheeks with her hands.
  • Christine being able to attend the temple with almost all of her family, as her little sister, Janet, took out her endowments in preparation for serving a mission.
  • Christine being able to meet up with some dear friends at BYU’s annual Women’s Conference.
  • Enjoying a family vacation at the beach.

Most exciting purchase:

We are finally a minivan-driving family, hurray!  With baby number four on the way (another boy due at the end of February for those of you who haven’t heard yet), short of strapping him to the top of the Camry, we didn’t have much choice but to upgrade.  We all love our new Sienna!

Funniest quotes:
  • I came down the stairs to find Peter rubbing Vaseline all over his head.  “Are you surprised Mommy?” he asked.
  • After saying a super fast prayer, Paul commented, “Peter, that was too fast,”  Peter smiled, “Yep, my lips are smokin’!”
  • Peter said: “I think that our next baby is going to be a boy because Heavenly Father likes patterns!”
  • Rebekah complained loudly while picking up the living room, “What did you have children for? So you could have slaves?!”
  • “You know what the difference between Mommy and Daddy is?  One has long hair and one has short hair!” (Rebekah)

Most expensive mistake:

This was definitely a lesson in paying attention to Heaven’s promptings.  I was packing for our trip and decided that instead of putting all of the laundry away, I would just leave it folded in the baskets and put it away when we got home.  As I glanced down at one of the baskets, I noticed Rebekah's blue dress's tie was hanging out and I had the very clear thought, “you should hang up the dress or Rimsky (our cat who is part goat and loves to eat clothing, especially strings) is going to eat it”.  But, instead, I decided to just tuck the tie under the clothes and I figured if he couldn't see it, he wouldn't eat it.  Well, needless to say, he did eat the tie.  By the time we got home, he was in pretty bad shape and Paul was worried enough about him to take him to the emergency vet clinic.  They had to do surgery to remove it.  I think this episode makes our cat the most expensive member of our family.

Most terrifying experience:

We had a quite a scare this year.  When Paul was changing Carol Lynn’s diaper, she lodged a goldfish cracker in her throat.  She had taken in a big gulp of air (like they do when they're really about to let loose), then there was total silence for way too long.  Paul began firmly patting her on the back immediately, but nothing was helping.  I've never been more frightened in my life than when looking into my baby's blue face, just pleading with Heavenly Father to let her breathe.  I think that she actually lost consciousness for a little while because she went completely limp, but I continued to pat and I finally started to notice slight movements in her face.  Her eyes opened and closed and I could hear very faint breathing, then she started coughing.  We both cried for quite a while.  Peter ran and grabbed her two favorite blankets for her and Rebekah came down and told us she had been praying for Carol Lynn.  It’s so easy to forget just how fragile life is.  Tragedy can strike so quickly.  One minute we were all laughing, and the next, we were all pleading that Carol Lynn not be taken from us.  We’re so grateful she's OK.

New hobbies/talents:
  • Rebekah has learned to swim and read this year!  She also has discovered a love for math and is one of the best students in her class.
  • Peter learned how to count to 209 and can now pump himself on the swings.  He has also discovered a love for soccer.  I think he may have a future as a goalie. 
  • Carol Lynn loves birds, fish and amphibians.  She is so fascinated by them.  She even sleeps with a stuffed animal frog she calls “Poppy”.  She is also our little climber and dare devil. 
  • Christine was able to rekindle her love for art by taking a community watercolors class over the summer.  She also got CPR certified after the terrifying experience with Carol Lynn.
  • Paul has enjoyed learning how to create applications for his iPhone.  I’m amazed at his creative ideas for games.  He hopes to be able to market them eventually, but for now it’s a fun hobby.

We wish you all love and good wishes this Christmas and hope you have a fabulous New Year!  Keep in touch!


The Winwards (Paul, Christine (Wilcox), Rebekah (6 ½), Peter (4 ½), Carol Lynn (2), Rimsky (cat)) 

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