Sunday, November 15, 2015

2010 Christmas Letter

Out of the mouths of babes: Winward Family 2010                       
(Quotes gathered from the Winward children throughout the year and in an exclusive interview.)  

How would you describe the Winward family?  “Rowdy. Cute! Noisy,” replied Rebekah.  Peter had more to contribute, “I think our family is nice because they give me money and whatever money I find, they let me have it.”  He was excited to share the “strong order” of his family, “[Dad is] the strongest, then me, then [pause] Rebekah, then Mommy then Carol Lynn, then Eric.”  Reflecting on his new baby brother, Peter confided, “I want 50,000 more brothers, then a million more brothers, then one more, then another sister.”  

What do you think about your dad (Paul)?  “I like Daddy because he wrestles with me, and he goes on dates with me and he always helps me when I’m sad,” Rebekah replied with a smile.  The interviewer recalled a conversation between Rebekah and her dad on Paul’s birthday, earlier this year.  When Rebekah found out how old Paul was turning, she responded with amazement, “Wow! That’s a big number!”  Peter also responded cheerfully to our inquiry, “I like him because he’s nice to me and he wrestles with me and reads I Spy books with me.”  

What do you think about your mom (Christine)?  Rebekah reflected on the days following the birth of her little brother, “Sometimes when Mommy is half-asleep/half-awake, you have to really think about what she says.”  Overall, her report was positive though, “I like Mommy because she always helps me with my homework and we go on dates and because we do crafts and it’s fun when we do it together.”  Peter’s opinion of his mother after being put in timeout was less favorable, “You’re a real bully, Mom!  I just know that when you say you’re going to choir, you’re really going to bully school.”  However, when asked in a more tranquil setting, Peter commented, “I like Mommy because she always cooks for me and she snuggles me a lot.  I like it when she wrestles with me and that she gives me lots of kisses and reads me lots of books and because she reads I Spy to me.  And when I forget to wear pants [and wear shorts instead, when it’s cold outside], she reminds me.”  

Tell us more about Rebekah (7 ½ yrs.):  When asked what her motto in life was, Rebekah was quick to say “Help people who are sad.”  Truly she always tries to reach out to others.  “When I grow up, I either want to be a doctor, a ballerina, an artist, an explorer or a doctor to help animals,” Rebekah told reporters.  Peter’s love for his sister was obvious as he answered, “I like Rebekah because she likes to play with me and lets me have sleep overs with her and plays lots of games with me, and that she likes to tell me the rules of brand new games, and that sometimes she does what I want to do with her.  And she’s really nice to me and one time when I lost one of my dollars, Rebekah gave me one of her dollars.  She always offers to help me finish something that I can’t work on, because I’m too busy.  And she always wants to give me kisses, even when I don’t want her to.”  

Tell us more about Peter (5 ½ yrs.): “I like to do projects and activities and play games and get brand new toys and get dollars, and I like to go to school and I like to watch movies at school,” said Peter.  His big sister Rebekah told correspondents, “I like Peter because he helps me when I’m scared, because he normally comes with me. He always is trying to help me.  He encourages me that I can do things.”  

Tell us more about Carol Lynn (almost 3 yrs.):  When asked who was Queen of the girls in our family, Carol Lynn replied quickly and very emphatically, “I the Queen of the Girls!”  Over the summer, Carol Lynn had her second set of ear tubes put in surgically.  When they called her name in the waiting room, she indignantly told the nurse, “I not Carol Lynn!  I Squishy!”  Once the nurse understood that “Squishy” was her father’s nickname for her, she crossed out “Carol Lynn” and wrote “Squishy” on her wristband instead.  “I like her because she likes to give me kisses and sometimes she shares with me and she kind of plays nicely with me and does what I want her to do with me.  And one time she let me have a sleep over and one time she let me hold her elephant blanket and let me keep like six of her stuff and they were all stuffed animals.  She’s really cute.  And she’s messy,” was her older brother, Peter’s candid report.  Rebekah recalled with a smile, “I like Carol Lynn because she always wants to know how I’m feeling.  One time I was inside my room and Mommy was trying to help me feel better and then Carol Lynn came in and she touched my face and she said, “Your face is so soft!  Your face is GREEN!” and that made me laugh.  She really wants to spend time with me and I really want to spend time with her.”  

Tell us more about your new little brother Eric (9 months): “I like Eric because he’s cute and chunky and that he likes to play with me and looks at me a lot and he doesn’t bite me that much and that he likes to say “abwabwabwa” [I think it means I love, love, love you].  And because he always goes where I want him to and he eats lots of stuff and he plays with me a lot.  And he likes to play with my fingers,” said Peter affectionately. “I like Eric because he always has a smile on his face.  He is always so cute!” laughed Rebekah.  And Carol Lynn said of Eric in the only direct answer we could extract from her during our extensive interview, “Him a baby!”

Merry Christmas!  Love, The Winward’s:
Paul, Christine (Wilcox), Rebekah, Peter, Carol Lynn & Eric

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