Sunday, November 15, 2015

2007 Christmas Letter

Dear Family and Friends,                                                                               

We started this year, with a move across the country from Illinois out to California (our flight left very early New Year’s morning).  Although the move had its trials, we are so grateful to be back on the west coast, only a day’s drive from family and less then 30 minutes from the temple.

Paul has been working for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory at the Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek since February.  He’s very much enjoyed the wonderful group he works with and participating in intramural sports on his lunch brake.  At church, Paul is our ward’s Activities Committee Chair.  He’s done an amazing job planning three very large scale activities this year including a formal Christmas dinner and program.  He enjoys using his spare time coming up with and developing various website business ideas, spending time with the children, and playing with his new cat Rimsky.  He’s so grateful to have time to do the things that he enjoys.

Christine is so grateful for the support of our new ward.  There are many young mothers with children similar ages and a playgroup that really helped with the transition.  Missing the music class back in Champaign, Christine organized and started a music class in our new ward that has become very well attended and both the moms and children look forward to.  She is currently serving in the ward as the Relief Society counselor over education and really enjoys serving with the amazing women in the presidency.  Much of the year has been spent in anticipation of a new baby girl expected any day now.  We’ll make sure to update you on the details when she comes.

Rebekah (age 4 ½ ) has had the opportunity to try out several new activities since the move.  She loves to play soccer with Daddy, and really enjoyed her brief classes in gymnastics and ballet.  Over the summer, she also had her first swimming lessons.  By the end of class, she could float on her back independently and was very close to swimming solo.  We’re sure that she’ll be a little fish next summer.  Her favorite things to do during the day are to make projects and pictures during quiet time, and to play games on the computer (Its amazing how quickly a four year old can learn to navigate a website!).  She is a great big sister to Peter and is so excited to have a new little sister soon!

Peter (age 2 ½ ) is all boy, and my little chatter box.  It seems like since we moved he’s been talking up a storm, often surprising us with his understanding and sense of humor.  His favorite things are trains, trucks, and Lego’s.  He can be found making a train track out of just about anything: books, VHS tapes, Lego’s.  In fact, much to our horror, Peter and Rebekah were caught several months ago drawing a railroad track across the carpet with crayons!  You could say he has a one track mind, that has been missing some of the obvious changes about to take place in his family.  When asked, “Do you know that Mommy has a baby in her tummy?”  Peter glanced at me with a look of total disbelief that gradually turned into a grin and a twinkle in his eye as he playfully teased us, “I have a baby in my nose!” 

We love you all and are so grateful that you are a part of our lives.  Happy Holidays!


            Paul, Christine (Wilcox), Rebekah & Peter & (soon to be announced) baby girl Winward

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