Sunday, November 15, 2015

Clean Slate: A Love Story

This is another assignment from my writing class.
Clean Slate: A Love Story
Dear Whiteboard,
Before I met you, my life was full of unfulfilled dreams and lost ambitions.  You have brought focus and direction to my busy world.  Gone are the days of writing reminders to myself on random scraps of paper that always seem to get lost before I check everything off.  Gone are the days of wondering what to do when I have a spare moment on my hands.  Gone are the feelings of frustration when I try to recall just what I did all day.
I love how when I write on you, I can see you clearly from around the house.  Your clean, white surface holds endless potential.  The fragrant, bold markers make a statement on you that is hard to miss.  Since you are mounted on the wall, I always know just where to find you.  You have never let me down when I’ve needed you to remind me what I should do next.  For example, today when I found myself with some time, I glanced your way and you helped me remember to take out the trash and marinate the chicken for dinner.  What a disaster dinner would have been without your gentle suggestions.  Crossing each completed item off your list is tangible proof that I am making progress in this crazy house of mine!  You help me stay on track to accomplish my daily goals.
I use to bounce back and forth between many demands, never completing anything, but since you came into my life, you have helped me stay focused.  Each time I am ready, I know that you’ll be there for me with clear direction of where I should spend my efforts next.  The time we spend together each evening outlining the next day is invaluable.  Sometimes when I get busy, I forget to include you in my planning and my day becomes overwhelming, unproductive, and unorganized.  When we are on the same page, my life becomes simple and sweet.
Your magnetic personality draws all sorts of important papers to you.  You hold them up so patiently until I’m ready to look at them.  I find great comfort knowing that they will never get lost when I’ve entrusted them to your care.  You even carry your own markers and eraser, making it quick and easy to make our time together count.
I guard you jealously from the rest of the family.  I have made it clear to them that you are mine and mine alone!  The thought of someone else using your markers or writing upon your surface fills me with dread.  Your markers will not suffer the same fate others have suffered in this house: being de-cap-itated, felt tips crushed, then left to dry out, forgotten and alone.  No!  The thought is too horrible to dwell upon!
At the end of the day, I gaze at you lovingly.  Each crossed off item helps me to remember all of the things we have accomplished together.  You make me a better person.  Because of you I am becoming the woman I’ve always wanted to be.  I hope that we will always be together.



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