Sunday, November 15, 2015

2012 Christmas Letter

What the Winward kids have to say about THAT!

What do you like best about our new house in Phoenix?  Rebekah – That it has a backyard and trees, and it’s closer to our school.  Peter – It has a really big backyard and we get to live in a cul-de-sac so we can ride our bikes a lot.  Carol Lynn – Seeing the kitten next door climb over the wall into our backyard to play with us.  

What is one of your favorite memories from this year?  Rebekah – Going to Colorado, going to the beach and Kathryn being born.  Peter – Going to a baseball game with my dad.  Carol Lynn – The talent show at Thanksgiving where I got to sing with my microphone like a pop star!  

How do you feel about your new little sister Kathryn being born this April? Rebekah – I felt awesome being able to be a big sister of 4 kids!  I love her sweet smile.  Peter – Excited.  I love to play with her and hold her.  Carol Lynn – I love to play with her and pick out her clothes.  Sometimes I try to get her dressed, and I love to give her toys.  I am glad that I have her. 

What is your biggest accomplishment this year or the hardest thing you’ve done?  Rebekah – Being able to play my own violin and being able to go to honors for math and reading.  Peter – Going to honors with the 4th graders for math and reading.  Carol Lynn – Cleaning up my room! and trying to help potty train Eric [he’s not potty trained yet, for those of you who are wondering].  

What is some advice you’d like to share?  Rebekah – “When you learn how to use the word “awesome”, everything becomes awesome!”  Peter – “If you want to know if the tooth fairy is real or not, when you lose a tooth, don’t tell your mom and dad … just put it under your pillow.”  Carol Lynn – “Staring is only OK if you’re giving someone a smile or if you’re showing them you’re cute!”.  

What are your goals for the upcoming year? Rebekah – To be able to play advanced songs on my violin.  Peter – To get $100 by the end of the year.  Carol Lynn – Be a princess and become a pop star.

Please take note of our new address (Yes, we’ve moved AGAIN!).  We’re hoping our next move (not for a few years, but finally into our own home!), will be our last.  We’ll keep you posted.  Meanwhile, we love renting our home in north Phoenix.  Having a backyard and no shared walls is heavenly.  Being at the end of a cul-de-sac is icing on the cake. 

Unfortunately, about a month after moving from Scottsdale to Phoenix, Paul accepted a job in Tempe working at  We were sad to see his commute time increase, but happy with the new position and opportunity.  Paul has been working with the scouting program at our church and attended scout camp this summer in California where they went scuba diving.  Much to his relief, the two sharks they saw kept their distance.
Christine has officially entered the “taxi-stage” of motherhood.  She still enjoys making up silly songs and prefers reading a good book to having a clean floor (song inspired by our floor: “Everywhere I go I hear a crunch crunch, … a crunch crunch!”)

Eric has been working with a speech therapist this year to improve his limited language.  Progress has been slow and at times discouraging, but we’re hopeful that as we continue working with him we will finally get the privilege of hearing from his own lips what is going on in that active little head of his.  He definitely keeps us on our toes.  He can get past all “child-proofing” locks and was even found trying to start our car.  He can completely unbuckle himself from his car seat and has microwaved a cup of water.  He unscrewed the hinges on his bedroom door and scorched our carpet with our household iron.  We pray daily that he will survive his own curiosity.

Kathryn was named for her Great-Grandma Kathryn Moody and was born on her 97th birthday.  She adores her siblings and just figured out how to crawl.  She has impressed Peter with her ability to already do the splits.  She is very wiggly,   and now that she is mobile, she loves to be on the go!

Merry Christmas!  Love, The Winwards:

Paul, Christine (Wilcox), Rebekah (9), Peter (7), Carol Lynn (5), Eric (2 1/2), Kathryn (8 months)

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